Thursday, 24 April 2014

Sweetness Follows

A common habit of mine it to say "I'm not going to cover that" and then I do! With Sweetness Follows lots of things were stacked up against me: The challenge of reproducing the cello sound, learning how to play the acoustic guitar parts and getting the guitar feedback without owning an amp.

I ended up using a distorted bass sound for the cello parts, sounds unlikely but I don't think it's too bad at all. I think I've got the acoustic guitar parts quite accurate although I was never sure of the chords during the "chorus", it always seemed like the chords ascend but I don't think they do, I think it's just the cello that ascends. Finally, not owning an amp meant I was never really going to get nice guitar feedback sounds although I have managed a close approximation by turning up the gain and distortion and playing notes very high up the fretboard.

Sweetness Follows is a real funeral march of a song and is probably the song that tackles death the most on Automatic For The People and yet it somehow brings with it a feeling of recovery and resolve. 

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