Monday 29 November 2010

Letter Never Sent

After finishing Pilgrimage, Letter Never Sent felt like a walk in the park in terms of song density. It's a fairly basic song, there's not all that much going on, there's a distant fuzzy electric guitar during the chorus and a few additional strums throughout the third verse. I like the way the guitar riff changes on the third verse which is something you only notice subliminally - something the band either forgot or chose to abandon when they played this song at the Dublin rehearsals in 2007.

Where I fall short on this cover is failing to get the guitar sound right for the intro/verse riff. It sounds like Peter's Rickenbacker very cleanly recorded and double tracked. With no reverb whatsoever it is very upfront in the mix, a technique used on Mike Mill's vocals in the song which sound so crisp on the album recording.


  1. Hiya I just listened to you playing Find the river, sensational!

  2. Thank you! And congratulations, you are the first person to comment on my blog!
